
posted by Mors Rattus Original SA post

Superiors: Litheroy

Litheroy, Archangel of Revelation is a Seraph that knows that nothing can reach its true potential while secret. He and his angels ensure that nothing remains concealed, and that darkness cannot go undisturbed. Litheroy is strange for a Seraph - he has made real efforts to understand humanity, because he finds them and the idea of secrets fascinating. He's only partially succeeded, and he relies heavily on his angels to help him learn more. He exists in a constant state of wonder that humans spend so much time hiding from themselves, and his own desire to uncover it all is out of that sense of wonder and joy. He and his angels are deeply curious, and they see themselves as an army in the war against the Labyrinth, their name for the tendency of humanity to hide themselves away in secrets until everyone is paranoid and alone. They respect the idea of privacy, but often need to have details about it explained to them more clearly. When Litheory appears on Earth, he prefers the form of an aging man with a sparse beard and piercing eyes. He often wears rumpled clothing, as though he'd been digging through ancient ruins for days and hasn't had time to wash up. Often, he has been.

It is dissonant for any Servitor of Litheroy to lie to anyone, for any reason. They can choose not to answer a question, but they can't lie in word or spirit. They don't have to tell the whole truth, but if they tell a partial truth it can't be in a deceptive manner. So - if a normal Seraph gets asked if they're a detective, they can say 'I am assigned to investigate this case' and hope people are misdirected. A Litherite angel can at best answer with a question and hope you stop asking - and a Litherite Seraph is likely to just answer truthfully: Nope. It is not dissonant to reveal that you are an angel, but it is discouraged. Litheroy will discipline you for it, and it's best to just not answer or say 'I can't answer that' or similar. Also, no angel of Revelation may ever hold a Role.

Seraphim of Revelation , when using their resonance, roll d666 normally, but may decide which of the three dice is the check digit after rolling.
Cherubim of Revelation know immediately if anyone ever deliberately hides their attuned from them, or if their attuned ever chooses to hide from them. When this happens, they make an immediate resonance roll, but if the roll succeeds, the CD is automatically 6, regardless of what is rolled, and if the roll fails, it has no negative effects.
Ofanim of Revelation cannot be stopped by locks or seals, as long as they are puruising something hidden or someone trying to hide anything, including themself. Locked doors open, security systems do not detect them, and so on. They will re-lock behind you, though, and you're on your own for that. Living beings can still stop you, as well. However, this does work for computers, as long as you can get to whatever password-protected screen would stop you in the first place.
Elohim of Revelation , when they discover a hidden truth, object or person, immediately know why it was hidden, though not by whom, expressed as a simple sentence.
Malakim of Revelation always recognize anyone they have ever fought, even in a different vessel. (Redemption will, however, usually cancel it.) Further, they can make a Perception roll to see through any cover and exploit any weak points a foe has, reducing any penalties by (CD), to a minimum of 1.
Bright Lilim of Revelation , when using their resonance to detect any non-obvious Need, roll d666 normally but may decide which of the three dice is the check digit after rolling. If they attempt to geas someone to reveal a hidden truth, their target's resistance roll is penalized by (Celestial Forces).
Kyriotates of Revelation , when possessing any animal predator, have the Tracking skill at 6 and are considered familiar with whatever territory they are in. The knowledge can be used by any host, but the Tracking skill can only be used in the predator body.
Mercurians of Revelation , when applying their resonance to a group, know who in the group is sharing secrets and who is being kept out of the loop, if anyone, on a CD 3 or higher. On a CD 6, they know what the secrets are.
I Tell You Three Times allows you to tell any secret you know to one person and be believed, even without proof, once you repeat it three times. There is no time limit between repetitions, and it costs you 1 Essence the third time you say it if you say it in person, or 2 if you write it down or otherwise record it for the recipient. Either way, only the intended recipient will be affected by the power of the message - everyone else can choose whether to believe it or not freely. The secret must be true.
Key to the Locked Mind lets you spend 4 Essence to tell what would be needed to open a dialogue with someone who does not want to talk. This could be a conversational point, a favorite hobby or even an object. You do not get told where to find that key or get any special skill with it, but you will know what it is. If it is used, you get a new reaction roll immeduately, with a bonus of (Total Forces). If that roll succeeds, the target will talk to you for at least (10*CD) minutes, and if you ask a question the target would be reluctant to answer, they must make a Will roll with a penalty of (CD) to not answer you anyway. If the reaction roll fails, the target will respond based on the new CD, regardless of how they felt about you before.
Sense of Significance allows you to make a Perception roll to know the importance of any clue you find - you can tell at a glance, for example, that the blood on the floor is the kidnapper's, not the victim's, and with a high CD, even that it contains traces of drugs. You get helpful clues equal to the CD. At the GM's option these can be minor clues equal to CD or a lesser number of more significant clues. On a failure, you lose access to the attunement for (CD) hours.
Untangling the Labyrinth allows you to understand directions wel. When confronted with any kind of map or directions, spoken or written, you know if they are accurate and understand them perfectly. You also recognize blind alleys, misleading markers and other means of confusing a trail on sight. You do not, however, automatically detect shrotcuts or solve any pizzles needed to follow the path, but you will instantly know if you have the correct solution. This has the side effect of allowing you to essentially instantly complete maze puzzles on paper.
Vassals of Inquiry know if, when they ask a question, their subject is lying or being evasive. They can also detect half-truths when spoken, though not what the truth actually is.
Friends of the Quest intuitively understand hidden things, and know automatically if someone has been deliberately hidden within (Perception) feet. They can detect trip wires, secret passages, hidden keys, disguises bruising or hidden weapons equally easily. They know the specific location of the hidden object and generally what that object is.
Masters of Discovery can look on any living being and know what secrets they are the victims of - if someone's spouse is cheating, if they have a posthypnotic suggestion implanted, if their food was made with condemned materials, whatever. They know both the nature of the secret and who is responsible.
Seekers are those among Litheroy's angels who have dedicated their lives to solving the unsolvable. This Distinction does not grant any special rank, and its ranks include Mothias, who seeks the truth of Christ's divinity, Chamuel, the Angel of the Quest for the Holy Grail, who seeks both the Grail and to understand its nature, and Elspeth, who seeks to understand the nature of mortal and celestial free will and their relation to destiny and fate. Seekers have the right ask for whatever assistance they need when the object of their quest is concerned, but that's their only special responsibility. They do receive one power, however: for 7 Essence they may enter a 10-minute fugue in which time they experience a vision releated to a question or puzzle, usually tied to their quest, but not always. This vision is symbolic andm ust be interpreted, and no powers of any kind can help interpret it. The nature of the vision is ineffable and its meaning can only be suggested, not made plain.

Litheroy tries to avoid politics, because he believes it is impossible to engage in them without hiding something. He is pleasant, but any Archangel with something to hide avoids him. That's fine by Litheroy, who is usually busy with his mysteries and quests. When he does mingle, he is one of the few angels who feels truly relaxed in the company of Dominic, though he finds Dominic's cloak annoying. Jean and Litheroy often come into conflict, as Jean's interpretation of his job involves keeping all non-human innovations away from humanity. Janus, too, generally avoids him, as Litheroy wants to uncover his movements and purpose, which can get in the way of Wind plans a lot. Litheroy has no allies, but is associated with Yves, Michael and Laurence, though only Laurence considers himself associated with Litheroy. Lithory is hostile to Jean and Janus, but Janus is not hostile to Litheroy.

Basic Rites:
1. Work at solving puzzles of any kind for at least 3 hours.
2. Convince someone to confess a long-kept secret.
3. For 3 Essence, expose a corrupt judge or cop.

Expanded Rites:
1. Spend at least 2 hours uncovering lon-lost treasures of any kind.
2. Debunk a faker or charlatan in front of at least 5 people.
3. Explain the subtext of a story to someone in a way they can clearly understand.

Litheroy has a base Invocation TN of 2, +1 for an untouched puzzle book, +2 for a puzzle book complete in ink, +3 for successfully guessing what's in a wrapped gift, +4 for a penient man who comes clean about a secret despite the consequences, +5 for exposing secrets that drastically alter the reputation of a celebrated or significant historical figure, and +6 for publicaly exposing a plot of internation significance or discovering a plot by Alaemon.

Litheroy calls himself Litheroy to all times. He never uses pseudonyms by any means and conceals his nature only so far as required by the Law of Heaven. If he could, he'd appear as a Seraph at all times and be done with it. He does not use titles or pseudonyms, with three exceptions: he will accept being called Archangel, Revelation and Father. Archangel is clear - he is one, and it would be disingenuous not to use the title. He thinks his name is prferable, but he recognizes some prefer the formality. Being called by his Word is less pleasant but acceptable. He doesn't believe that a Wordbound is the Word - no celestial can fully embody a concept, nor can any concept fully describe a celestial - but he recognizes its common usage. He accepts Father because he is the Abbot of Litheroy's Abbey and it is proper use of the title. He knows some of his angels mean it paternally as well, and he allows it - he is more complex a figure than mere fatherhood, but he recognizes that he is their father figure. He does not, however, accept the titles of 'Lord' or 'Lord Archangel' and will not respond to them. The Lord is an accepted way of referring to God, and Litheory will not confuse the issue. He refuses other titles and glories as deceptive. He is Litheroy, and that is sufficient. His angels respect this, though they also refer to him as The Abbot when speaking about him. Other angels and more than a few demons prefer to derogatory 'Babblesnake,' but the one time it was done to his face, he wasn't offended. He just pointed out that because his angels are also called babblesnakes, it lacked precision and should probably be 'Head Babblesnake' or 'Archangel Babblesnake.' Insulting Litheroy in general tends to be rather unsatisfying, as he is almost incapable of taking offense and will often request clarification far beyond what would be amusing or hurtful.

In Heaven, Litheroy appears in his true form - an immense white Seraph with iridescent eyes. He looks around himself at all times, and his wings are often dingy from crawling under things. When appropriate, he will wear monk's robes displaying an abbot's rank. On the rare times he appears as human in Heaven, he wears his 'usual' human form, but with the monk's robes. On Earth, that is what he shapes his vessels as, though he wears normal work clothing. He never dresses vainly and has no vanity, and even if he wears a suit because he's been told he has to to get in somewhere, it's a plain one. On his own, when not interacting with others, he has been known to use any kind of vessel, any sex, race, age or culture, as he desires to see the world from the many viewpoints of humanity. However, he always answers only to the name 'Litheroy' even in a female vessel and never hides who he is except as bound by Heavenly Law. He dislikes the nickname 'Roy' as misleading and will always correct a speaker even after multiple mis-namings.

Litheroy is enthusiastic and friendly, and he never gets angry or offended. He can be disappointed, but even then it's mild. He is quite to smile and happy to tak. He asks many questions, but rarely unpleasant ones. However, he is very plainspoken - he does not lie and he has no discretion in his speech. He will say secrets or embarrassing personal details about those around him to the worst possible people, and be puzzled when someone takes offense. He never laughs, either.

To Litheroy, all of the universe is in two states: that which is understood, and that which isn't yet. With understanding is comprehension, sympathy, empathy and peace. Without it is supposition, fear, confusion and chaos. Revelation is not only his Word, but his holiest sacrament. Revelation gives understanding, and thus everything. Most Archangels define their view by their Word, but few so obviously and unashamedly as Litheroy. To Litheroy, all pain comes from an inability to understand each other and ell evil derives from deception. Hell is the clearest example - all demons turn from the true Symphony to focus on their own internal one, which they can tailor to their whim. Fighting Hell is necessary and destroying demons must be done to keep them from spreading their lies, but it is far better to make them understand the Truth, allowing them to accept it and Redeem. Litheroy's Word fuels his insatiable curiosity and love for humanity. They twist the truth, lie for its own sake, and yet when the truth is revealed, the results are cathartic. The human soul is transformed by revelation, and bettered by it. And yet, despite this, humans will immediately go back to burying themselves in half-truths and self-deceptions.

You'd think Litheroy would be alienated by the human tendency to lie and deceive, but it fires him up. Humans fascinate him because he doesn't understand how they can live as they do. He tries, each day, to comprehend this glorious, contradictory creation, taking joy at each new revelation and heartening with each setback. He is ocnvinced that the core question of human nature can be solved, and will be, that the mystery of humanity will be revealed. When it is, when even the Seraphim can understand the human soul, then Hell will have no traction. Once humanity is fully understood, any lie of Lucifer and his demons will be easily dispelled. It's just going to take some time to get there.

Outsiders are often sympathetic to Litheroy's drive to find the truth and reduce it to the simplest form that fully expresses it. However, they are eternally frustrated by his indiscretion. Everyone in Heaven values truth, and Litheroy is their greatest investigator, but knowledge is power and spread it far and wide loses advantages. These people forget that Litheroy's Word is not Investigation, Understanding or even Truth. It's Revelation. It's not enough to learn the truth - it must be spread to all who will hear, and those who won't must be forced to listen. Any culture prizing secrecy subscribes to a dangerous vice, even the Seraphim Council, for they try to keep the truth from others. This is selfish, a need to conserve power at the cost of spiritual growth. Sparing someone's feelings with a white lie or by not giving your honest opinion only sets them up for later heartbreak and feelings of betrayal. If you aren't willing to have people know you did something, don't do it. If you do it, own it. Litheroy exemplfies this. When he is humiliated - and every Windy tries it at least once - he accepts it and tells everyone, using his experience to teach others. He never loses his cheer and he accepts misfortune and even ill will as just a thing that happens. This usually makes others like him more and shames the pranksters. Janus doesn't bother to warn his angels not to try - he feels the lesson is productive.

Litheroy was made almost immedaiately after the Fall by Raphael. She recognized that in the wake of Heaven's losses, new angels would be needed, unshackled by memories of the past. Litheroy was one of the first, and he distinguished himself quickly. He was an energetic optimist who worked to spread Knowledge on Earth and in Heaven, forcing them to confront the truth: a third of the Host did rebel and Fell and were sealed away...for now. But now, they had to get back to work. He was also distinction as a Seraph for loving humanity and being interested in them more than in higher things. He was very successful at what he did, and when the first Seraphim Council was convened in 22,000 BC, 625 years after the Fall and his creation, he was invested with the Word of Revelation. While still a servant of Knowledge, he had become one of Raphael's most valuable agents.

Litheroy's Word made him a natural leader in Knowledge, and he directed Raphael's other angels passionately. He was given the task of passing on certain Knowledge to humans, and he began to build Raphael's organization on Earth, always mindful of God's Law and the injunction against revealing Heaven's true nature, but also seeing the need for humans to understand good and evil and the need for Heaven to undersand humans. He was good enough at it that after the demons were freed and the Grigori created, he acted as Raphael's liaison with those angels tasked to train the Watchers. He liked them for their acute perceptions, and he also found himself at the front of Raphael's war with the Princes Gebbeleth and Mariel. Through it all, he never lost his optimism.

Next time: Litheroy and change


posted by Mors Rattus Original SA post


Litheroy's role changed around 5000 years after the Grigori were made. He was one of the first angels to discover what at first appeared to be a new breed of human, but turned out to be the Nephilim. He took this information to Dominic, only to be brought into the confidence of that Archangel and Eli, and ordered to silence. Eli had found the origins of the Nephilim - angel/human crosbreeds. Eli more than Litheroy found it was the work of the Grigori, but Dominic noted the skill and zeal of Revelation. He wasn't the only one. In the Roman Empire, Uriel's patronage was undermined by Andrealphus and by Beelzebub, Prince of Corruption. Litheroy fought Beelzebub passionately, uncovering corruption and analyzing Beelzebub's habits and movements. Naturally, tis was all passed on to Uriel, who was able to use it to predict and confront his nemesis. Thus, Litheroy enabled Uriel's 300 year campaign against Corruption, which ultimately resulted in the death of Beelzebub.

While Knowledge, Judgment and Purity all supported Litheroy, it was a different event that led to his ascension. The founding of Christianity brought Revelation to the forefront of human ideas, to the point that the final book of the Bibler was the Revelation of Saint John, concerning knowledge revealed from Heaven. As Rom turned to Christianity, seers and prophets and scholars alike spoke of Heaven's revelations. Litheroy's Word grew massively, though he disliked that so many 'revelations' were false and corrected them whenever he could. As a follower of Raphael, he was also part of the work of Raphael, Yves and Gabriel in spreading Christianity. His Word surged, apparently tied to Christianity, and at last, when Rome officially converted and the Council of Nicea was held in 325 AD, the Seraphim Council took steps. Uriel and Dominic openly supported the religion , and Litheroy was made Archangel of Revelation. This day, he maintains his Cathedral near the Halls of Worship, in honor of Christianity.

While Litheroy was happy to be associated with Christianity, which he found fascinating and mysterious, but he was not dogmatic. He was far more interested in investigation, and utterly uninterested in politics. He was isolated from the rest of the Archangels, with his only ally Raphael. He had actually been rather more important and effective before his ascension - without Raphael's governance, he embraced openness and truth in all things. Even Uriel began to exclude him from sensitive meetings, though he never had any dislike of Litheroy. For his part, Litheroy obeyed orders from the Commander of the Host and gave nothing but blunt and unembellished advice when he felt he should. Uriel appreciated that and accepted Litheroy as pure. Following his recall, Laurence has accepted Litheroy in the same spirit, but with the same precautions. While less integral to the War, Litheroy continued faithful service, acting as foil to Jean when he could and working closely with Raphael to study humanity and expose lies. It was a great time...but it would not last.

First came the death of Raphael. She sacrificed herself to destroy Legion, and Litheroy took it very hard - she had been his creator, his oldest friend, his truest ally. Jean was also crushed by her death, and while the two became increasingly intolerant of each other over the next few centuries, they comforted one another in the wake of Raphael's death. Even the destruction of Mariel in the aftermath of the Legion affair could not hearten Litheroy. Still, he had a job to do, and he did it. Raphael's sacrifice hurt, but he could at least understand and accept it. Not so when the new Prince of Secrets was crowned in 1800 AD - and turned out to be, apparently, Alaemon, a former Mercurian of Revelation made by Litheroy himself. It can't be confirmed that the two were the same, but Alaemon used extensive knowledge of Revelation to attack Litheroy and his angels. Litheroy was shocked and hurt, but he accepted the challegne and has begun fighting back, exposing Alaemon as completely as he can. In the centuries since, the two have largely existed in stalemate, with most of their resoruce devoted to fighting each other.

Compares to most Archangels, Litheroy is straightforward. He says what he means, doesn't hold back and never fails to answer a question. Many believe him naive, even simpleminded and unsophisticated. Perhaps even childlike. They are wrong. Litheroy understands the world better than most Seraphim. He understands that humans and most angels value privacy and discretion. He just knows that they are wrong, sometimes tragically so. He does not coddle wrongness, whether it comes from a child lying to parents or from the Commander of the Host. He knows it's cost him the support of his fellows, and he pays that price willingly. He is, at his core, earnest. He is serious at all times, taking joy in truth, but he does not laugh. He answers sarcasm with honest and literal responses. He never assumes rhetorical questions, and in fact finds he can often force questioners to question their own assumptions by answering them. Any question is important enough to answer. Any assumption is important enough to challenge. Any secret is important enough to expose.

Ultimately, Litheroy is trying to understand. He accepts on faith that humans are important - God said so. Litheroy now wants to understand why. God would not favor them without good reason, so therefore God's servants should decipher that reason. He loves humans deeply and truly, and he loves listening to them, reading their books and examining their history and cultures. In roughly the same way an entomologist loves ants, in fact. While Litheroy is the Seraph who loves humans most and tries hardest to understand them, he lacks essential perception of who and what mankind is, by his nature as a Seraph. He accepts this, and isn't discouraged. He keeps trying.

Litheroy has only a few priorities. Reveal hidden truths and penetrate lies anywhere you find them. Spread truth wherever you can, debunking rumor and falsehood. Oppose Alaemon and his efforts to conceal information and hurt Revelation. Study humans to understand them better and give them back the heritage lost to Secrets or Oblivion. Penetrate the secrets of Hell and help the War any way you can, following Laurence's orders when needed. If asked to elaborate, Litheroy can go into detail on each point, but that's it at the core. God loves truth and hates lies, and everything else is window dressing.

Litheroy is ocnvinced that if all parties in the War understood each other, there would no demons and no War. Byh iding from each other, demons deny truth and become miserable, then spread that misery. Litheroy wants only to make his enemies understand. He believes they've made a stupid, tragic choice, and as a result, they are less important than the humans they try to deceive. While Litheroy would happily Redeem demons that understand, he fights first and converts only when no innocents are in danger and opportunity allows it. Self-deception is tragic, but the orror of the lies demons perpetuate takes precedence. Litheroy actually has more sympathy for the Hellborn than the Fallen, as an angel Falls by denying the truth of their birthright and thus commiut the greatest of sins. Litheroy is sympathetic, of course, and will help you see the error of your ways, but he believes there's a harsh justice in the destruction of the Fallen. A Hellborn demon, on the other hand, has been lied to from its first moment, with little chance to learn otherwise, so it cannot be said to deny the truth. Litheroy thinks these demons deserve a chance to understand their own nature and that which was denied them. He does not, however, believe that should come at the expense of Earth or Heaven. He is a good soldier, when fighting. He obeys Laurence and the Council and directs his angels to obey as well. He listens to Michael, Dominic and Yves for advice, and while he is often excluded from operations for his lack of discretion, he never hides what he knows for himself. He knows his angels make excellent intelligence gatherers and tries to ensure all they learn goes up the line as quickly as possible.

Litheroy avoids politics religiously. If he learns something that can help an Archangel, even one he dislikes, he tells them. If he opposes a plan, he says so and why to anyone that will listen. If he learns something another angel or Archangel wants kept secret, he tells everyone - embarrassment is a small price to pay for eliminating a lie in Heaven. The Seraphim Council mostly accepts this - Litheroy is honest and true to himself and to Heaven's beliefs. Every Archangel that isn't a Seraph themself knows Seraphim and how hard it is for them to conceal anything. Rather than oppose or undermine Litheroy, other Archangels just exclude him, and the idea of secret meetings postdates his ascension. Before then, Michael or Uriel could just ask people to keep silent. But Litheroy will not keep silent unless asked by God or directly ordered to by the Council specifically - and that latter is uncertain. It's just easier not to tell him things.

Superior Opinions posted:

Blandine: I have noticed Litheroy and his Servitors spending time in the Marches, trying to unravel the mystery of humanity. They are not disruptive. They observe and learn. They ask questions and listen to answers. They do not attempt to impress their agenda onto the dreamers. I appreciate such respect.
A fascinating Archangel, though so lonely. It seems to me that Blandine's pain comes from hiding from the truth - even if Beleth Redeemed tomorrow, I don't know that she would return to Blandine. The sooner Blandine accepts the truth of what has happened, the sooner she can put the pain behind her and move on.
David: Competent enough. Litheroy promotes his Word and opposes Hell. What more could we expect of him? I keep him at arm's length, though - he digs in the ground and under stone, revealing things that should remain hidden. I think he would have dug Magog out if he had known where to shovel.
Sometimes the most painful way to lie is not to say anything at all. David's silences conceal his heart and give rise to rumor and hard feelings. I wish we could sit down and talk, but he won't speak.
Dominic: If every angel were a Servitor of Revelation, my duties and heart alike would be light. It is said Litheroy is indiscreet - would that all angels had this "vice." His devotion to unraveling mysteries and unearthing secrets is unquestioned, and his motives are refreshingly pure. He can probe too deeply sometimes, however, and will not be satisfied easily when his curiosity is piqued. At least he came to me after a truly egregious error in judgment...
Oh, my brother Seraph, seeker of truth and Divine Inquisitor. Don't you understand? If they would just explain themselves openly, you could help them make good choices. And if you would reveal yourself to them, and be open with them, then they would trust you. So long as they lie...so long as they hide themselves...then your burden will be as heavy as that unfortunate cloak. Won't you let us help you bear that burden? I would, if you'd let me.
Eli: I always liked him. Cute kid, really. And creative, too. These days, I have to keep away from him, though.
I don't understand. If he has a good reason to be down on Earth, then he should tell us. If he doesn't, he should come back. Either way, he's hurting all of Heaven with his secrets, and that's just not fair. Still...I wonder what he's learned about humanity. And I wonder if he'd share his insights with me when he returns.
Gabriel: The flickering light of the torch reveals the contents of the chamber, but shadows are cast as well. That which you see is not what is truly there. Comprehension takes more than sight. Understanding comes from within. Do not be fooled by surfaces, Revelation. Do not be fooled by what you see.
We once worked very closely together. Gabriel used to be a part of my life and even fueled my Word - what was the announcement of the birth of Christ if not Revelation? What was the appearance to the shepherds, telling them not to fear, if not the power of Revelation? What was the Quran itself, if not the essence of Revelation? We have to help Gabriel back to sanity. She is too important to leave as she is.
Janus: Litheroy? Litheroy's like a little brother, you know? He's like the little brother who not only isn't cool but doesn't care about being cool. He's the little brother who tells on you not to get you in trouble, but to keep you out of trouble. I have no beef with him, but he can make things difficult for me.
I just don't understand Janus. Chaos just confuses people, and confusion scares them. If you have to be an agent of change, why not do it through education? As it is, he causes a lot of trouble and needs to be reined in.
Jean: We worked very closely together before Raphael's death, but even then we clashed. His methods are not mine, and further, they are dangerous. If Litheroy had his way, we would have taught Neanderthals how to make gunpowder and given Alexander the Great nuclear warheads - and mankind would be little more than our pets, performing the tricks we taught them. They must do it on their own. Litheroy doesn't understand that.
I think Jean means well, but he's utterly wrong about so many things. He does worse than hoard knowledge and keep humanity in the dark - he encourages their muddling around with theories that are just plain wrong. He let them believe in ether and spontaneous generation and Aristotelean "science" for centuries. I wonder if, when Galileo was forced to forswear Copernicanism and senstenced to life imprisonment, Jean was pleased? I should ask him sometime.
Jordi: They say humanity is special. They say humanity is set above the beasts. They say this and they say that. Litheroy seems to be the only one to ask "why?" To ask what makes this so unnatural of natural creatures what they are. I wish him luck. I have nearly given up trying to understand them.
Jordi is always willing to answer questions about the animal world. He will go into depth and is patient with followups. He seems genuinely interested in my observations of humanity as well. He doesn't usually come to the Abbey, but I enjoy visiting his Savannah on occasion.
Laurence: Although of sadly limited utility in planning hte War, Litheroy couldn't be easier to work with. He is intelligent and enthusiastic, without being zealous or impatient. His Servitors work tirelessly to expose the enemy's secrets and bring intelligence back to Heaven, and Litheroy's own dedication to Heaven is flawless. Through it all, he maintains a reverance appropriate to an Archangel, to the point that on occasion I take up the robes and observe devotions in his Abbey, content to know we are serving Our Lord.
A fine, honorable angel and an excellent Commander. Laurence gives me what resources and assistance he can, answers my questions, and doesn't hesitate to ask for my expertise and my help. Unfortunately, he subscribes to the "classified information" vice, but we're working on that.
Marc: Litheroy? Oh, he breaks my heart. I've never met an angel so devoted to understanding humanity - and that includes members of my own Choir - and yet he keeps missing the point. He's too paternalistic by far, and he can disrupt delicate negotiations. And he absolutely ruins any poker game he sits in on. But he means well, and his information is always - always - reliable. Naturally, I try to help his quests where I can, but I don't have nearly enough time in my day to answer his incessant questions.
With Eli's tragic self-exile, Marc is an invaluable resource on humanity. However, he seems to share humanity's incomprehensible love of the Labyrinth, and extracting useful tidbits from him can be distressingly like dental surgery. Also, he seems overly concerned with appearances and trappings, when what I'm really interested in is the human heart and soul. Still, he's the best we've got on the subject. But I hope Eli comes home, and soon.
Michael: Some of my associaties snigger about Litheroy's earnestness. They call him names like "babblesnake," and expect me to be sympathetic to their discomfort around him. Don't they understand? Don't they realize how much I year for a world where Litheroy's brand of simple, unadulterated truth can be given free rein? I respect Litheroy more than any other Seraph. Even steeped in the tribulations of the world he never, ever compromises his principles, and his highest principle is truth. How could I ever denigrate that? Absent that world, however, I must do what must be done.
The first of the Seraphim. The highest of the Seraphim. I cannot imagine Michael's burden, though I try to every day. I know he omits parts of the truth sometimes - the myth of "security" - and that saddens me. But to his credit, it saddens him too. In the meantime, I will help him any way I can.
Nvalis: So many Seraphim are dismissive of humanity. Litheroy isn't. Litheroy really loves humanity. He spends so much of his time among them, and I truly believe he wouldn't hurt a fly. I wish that compassion extended to Hell; he doesn't seem to hate our Fallen brothers and sisters the way so many do, but he is firmly committed to fighting them. His confederacy with Laurence, Michael, and Dominic speaks volumes. Still, he's never had a cross word for me, and I'm happy to tal kwith him. I just have to be careful what I say.
Unlike Michael or Laurence, I really don't have a problem with Novalis. Certainly, I admire her compassion and value her insight. Still, I don't see how she can be so...accommodating of Hell. Every demon has turned his sight from the Symphony's truth. So long as they embrace self-deception, our first responsibility has to be eliminating their threat. While I pray that means Redemption, I don't shy away from the sword if that's what it takes. I'm all too conscious of their impact on humanity.
Yves: Litheroy is a true believer. He believes that through Revelation the War can be won, Hell redeemed and the world made whole and pure. He never loses faith. He never loses heart. He simply keeps moving forward. He embraces the grand Revelations that change nations and the quiest Revelations that ease individual human hearts. Through understanding comes destiny, in Litheroy's world. I think we could use more true believers, don't you?
I adore Yves. How could I not? His Library is open to all who would walk through its doors. His credo is plainly spoken and impossible to dismiss. More than peace and more than violence, he wants all the world to find its Destiny. I respect that. I wish...I wish he would be more open himself. He could answer so many questions about Gabriel and so many other things. But there is time yet to convince him.
Andrealphus: Ugh. What part of "wet fish" don't you understand? I tried seducing him once. I say, "tried" because that...copulation hardly counted as seduction! He cheerfully agreed and spent the entire tiem asking questions! Nothing I did would make him focus on what he was feeling. It was all "do you like it when I do this?" and "do people like that, usually?"" and "what do they make the flavored oils out of?" And then he wouldn't stop calling me with mroe questions. I had to change my cell-phone number. Just...ugh.
If you're asking me if we've had sex, then the answer is yes. It's an interesting experience, though he should improve his communication skills. Dominic had to question me afterward, of course. He told me not to do it agian, and then wouldn't explain what he found so...amusing. It was good to hear him laugh, though. As for Andrealphus himself...hm. I pity him more than anything. Don't let his Servitors distract you from the truth. If you get the chance, make them confront that truth themselves. It can bear fruit.
Asmodeus: Litheroy's strategy is a limited but accpetable one. He deceives himself if he believes he doesn't have one, of course. Still, there is something to be said for open play - and only a fool underestimates an opponent who doesn't keep his hand hidden. Not all games reward bluffing, after all. In the end, however, his limitations keep his position weaker than it might otherwise be.
One of the greatest enemies of Heaven. The essence of the Game is hidden - feints and bluffs, twists and unexpected moves. Where Alemon conceals by Word, Asmodeus conceals by nature. That's what I despise most about Hell. Asmodeus must be terribly lonely.
Baal: Inconsequential. I respect his sense of honor and his determination, but he is so woefully inept a warrior that countering him is of little priority. He was more dangerous with Raphael to guide him. Sometimes, he can be useful for getting choice facts into Heaven, however.
Baal is everything Michael is not. A liar who believes he's telling the truth. A traitor who cloaks himself in the trappings of honor. A thug who believes he is a prince. If we could just cut through his web of self-deceptions and imagined insults, I think we could save him. Until then, he must be stopped. Human beings are suffering every day because of him.
Belial: I don't like him. I don't like him! In the old days, when you bruned things, that was the end of it. You burned them and then they were gone. Consumed. Burnt! Now there's arson investigation and clues and things to reveal at burn sites! Fire. Doesn't. Reveal. Kill him. Kill all of his wretched kind. They're weak, so it won't be hard.
All the charm of Saminga, all the danger of Haagenti. Belial and Mariel always worked to similar ends. Belial destroys what we would reveal. He cannot be permitted to succeed - and he's held Fire hostage too long. Fire should reveal and inspire, not consume and destroy. It's sad, really.
Beleth: A little bitty annoyance, but still an annoyance. He is all too willing to talk peoples' fear out of their heads, and we can't have that, can we? I sometimes think hes too stupid to be scared himself, but he does have fears of his own. Everyone has fears. Help Alaemon make him even less relevant than he is.
All Beleth's power comes from misunderstandings and secrets. Nightmares are born in lack of knowledge. If people truly understand each other, they have nothing to fear. If children understand the monster in their bedroom is really a pile of clothes on a chair, they won't fear it. In the end, Beleth has no strength we don't give her, and we don't have to give her anything.
Haagenti: I got bigger things to worry about than Litheroy. Like lunch. Any given lunch, really.
When Haagenti consumed Mariel, I believe he took something of her nature on. He doesn't lie often - or particularly well, compared to others - but he consumes. And what he consumes is lost to oblivion. That can't be permitted.
Kobal: Possibly the worst audience on the face of the Earth. He doesn't even make a good straight man, because he tries to explain the joke he's in the middle of. And he doesn't get embarrassed. Ever! The most humiliating things happen to Litheroy and he just shrugs, moves on, and tells everyone within earshot what happened! I mean, Andrealphus slept with him and all Litheroy did was tell everybody! I hate Litheroy.
I've been told by people I trust I don't have much of a sense of humor. I try to understand humor. I really do. Maybe it's Kobal's influence - I just don't see how anyone thinks he's funny, whether in Heaven or Hell. He seems to be in a lot of pain, don't you think? I wish I could talk things over with him.
Kronos: A useful pawn for Heaven, who can also be a useful pawn for Hell. He's rarely an effective foe, because explaining someone's fate to him doesn't necessarily prevent him from reaching it. Still, he can be an effective counter to Jean when properly utilized.
Mysteries cling to KJronos. I don't understand him. There's something about him that just isn't...right. He's exceptionally dangerous, and every soul lost to Fate is truly lost, so he must be opposed. But the only way we'll ever defeat Fate is to understand Kronos, and right now there are too many unanswered questions.
Lilith: Litheroy is bad for business. He gives away things we would sell, and he's almost incapable of making a deal. Once I tried to get him to trade information for information, but I'd hardly put the deal on the table before he told me everything I wanted to know and a considerable amount I didn't want to know. And not only didn;t I have a hook into his soul, it almost felt like I owed him. Fortunately, his Servitors are easier to tempt and less guileless in general.
I wish Lilith weren't so wrapped up in her own self-deceptions. If she could let go of the past and let go of Hell, she'd be an invaluable resource. I mean, she's a human being who has seen the world of angels and demons from the inside. Think of the insights she must have. But she doesn't like to talk about herself. Well, maybe next time.
Malphas: What a lovely little angel. He proves everything I've been saying, really. See, all Litheroy wants is for everyone to be fair and open with one another. Like all Seraphim, he's dedicated to the Truth with a capital "T." And he's completely open about all his goals. And what is Heaven's response? They keep secrets from him, they avoid him, they set up secret meetings away from the Seraphim Council specifically to exclude him...factionalism, pure and simple. And then when he does learn their secrets, he tells everyone, and inflames passions all around him. Long may Litheroy seek.
Malphas embodies the corruptive nature of Shedim. He corrupts associations, turning them against each other and fomenting hidden agendas. How ironic, really - a Shedite is a corrupt Kyrioptate who can only see one point of view, and yet Malphas breaks people up into their own separate points of view. I wonder if that means we can Redeem him.
Nybbas: You ever hear of a Murrow's Ghost, babe? They're the ones who sit in the back of news stations and whine about objectivity and hard news. That's Litheroy all over - he'd turn every newspaper into an encyclopedia. He'd turn every television station into PBS. Not the good stuff, either! He'd wanna know why a purple dinosaur! He'd want to know how that dog got big and red! And he's putting his nose in my business! Angels of Objective Journalism and Investigative Journalism causing trouble...he better figure out the expose goes around and the expose comes around.
I don't pretend to understand Impudites yet, but Nybbas seems pretty typical of their breed. He's all about flash and appearance, not about substance. So long as he dominates the mass media, he can obfuscate the truth and force propaganda on humanity. We can't let him succeed at that any more.
Saminga: When Litheroy is ready to investigate the ultimate truth, I'll be glad to help him get there. Otherwise, he's nothing to me.
A horrible crreature, but one worth studying. There is much we don't understand about the process of death that, absent contact with the Archangel of Death, we're not going to learn. And certainly much we don't understand about the nature of the undead. The more we can learn about both, the stronger our weapons against Saminga. And if our understanding becomes complete enough, perhaps we can find a way to rescue the undead from their curse.
Valefor: You know, if I wanted to commit a crime in Cabot Cove, the first thing I'd do is kill off Jessica Fletcher. That "amateur detective" bitch gets her nose into everyone's private business and then blabs her motuh off to everyone. Silence her, and you can kill everyone you want in that town and never get caught. You get my meaning?
So many mysteries cling to Valefor. Who is he? Where did he come from? What is his relationship to or with Janus? Who was his Superior before he got his Word? How did he get Genubath's Word? Where did Genubath go? Do Valefor really get a book from Yves's Library? If so, how? And why? So many questions...and I think both Heaven and Hell want the answers, don't you?
Vapula: Though it ca be lonely and frustrating to be so misunderstood, I can take heart that someone in Heaven does understand. Not only is Litheroy an effective agent against Jean - and a vocal critic of Lightning's methods - but he is passionately devoted to revealing all of Lightning's secrets to the world. If he manages to succeed, the benefits to scientific inquiry will be robus - we should be as supportive as possible. And regardless of his success, find out everything Litheroy and his Servitors know. It shouldn't be that difficult - just ask.
If I ever begin to doubt my opinion of Jean's methods, I have only to look at Vapula to reaffirm my resolve. Vapula is the embodiment of the "scientific process," and his methods cause destruction and horror. If Jean revealed the secrets of the universe to humanity, Vapula would melt away to nothing. If we taught humanity how to do all the things they seek to do, the Word of Technology would die in Vapula's breast. Absent an epiphany on Jean's part, we must do all we can to learn what Bapula's up to and contain the damage he causes.
Humanity: God has told us that human beings are very, very special. So special that He wanted to leave them alone, but the demons would not allow that, so we must walk among them. Absent the ability to leave them alone, we must do all that we can to understand them - understand their delightful ways, their perceptions, the way they can influence the Symphony without perceiving it. Understand how they can choose to follow their fate and why they would reject fate for destiny instead. Understand how they can use fiction - fiction - to reveal truth to one another, and learn how to distill that truth so we can give it to them without couching it in ambiguous terms. Human beings are wonderful.
Soldiers of God: Among the most valuable resources we have. They can go places we cannot, they can fit into their world in a way we cannot. We do not disguise ourselves in the Symphony with Roles, which means we need our Soldiers to perform certain tasks. More importantly, however, they have insight into the human condition, which we can learn from. They also serve as an example, to Heaven and God Himself, that humanity can accept the existence of angels and still remain true to themselves. Value them. Use them.
Hellsworn: A terrible shame. We must do everything to make them understand their choice, in detail. It's not too late for them. It's not too late. But if they insist on damning themselves there's nothing we can do. That may be the greatest tragedy of them all...and the greatest triumph of Hell's lies. Help them.
Sorcerers: These are the most tragic of Hell's soldiers, and yet the ones we must have the least sympathy for. They have sold their birthright for a lie, and they perform terrible acts in the name of selfish desire. We must try our best to capture them, and we must learn everything they know. Everything they have done. I'm terribly, terribly sorry, but we can't afford to be gentle about it.
Ethereals: Deceptions given form. They are lies that live off of humanity's Essence. They are interesting, given that they form out of humanity's impressions - perhaps they are created in similar ways as Tethers or even the shaping of Words. This bears further investigation. But if you see them out of the Marches, intercede. And if they claim to be gods, remidn them and all who listen of the truth. They can't abide the truth.

Next time: The Abbey in Heaven

To Tell The Truth

posted by Mors Rattus Original SA post

Superiors: Litheroy - To Tell The Truth

Litheroy's Abbey is in the south of the Eternal City, in an area roughly corresponding to where the Pool of Siloam laid in Jerusalem. The Abbey is a quiet place, subdued yet beautiful in its simplicity. It is a plain thing of granite, its gardens tended by angels and relievers of Revelation as well as those blessed souls drawn to it. There are many fountains and pools along the grounds, and the pathways are made of crushed green stone. A Zen garden was set up and is tended by a Japanese soul who lived in the Kamakura period of Japan. While many of those in Heaven have never heard of the Abbey, it is appereciated well by those who want a place for quiet contemplation. Even the Wind's angels respect the serenity, most of the time. The Abbey is run as a monastery out of respect for Christianity's role in the growth of Revelation as a Word and the role of monasteries in the rise of scholarship, research and knowledge. To Litheroy, the 14th century monks illuminating manuscripts did more for Revelation than almost anyone else. The Abbey reflects their tradition, and Litheory endorses use of the Abbey for worship in the ways of the monks.

There is one difference between the Abbey and the monasteries it is modeled on, however: there are no doors. Anywhere. Litheory does not believe in privacy as a practice. If Litheroy had anything so valuable it might be stolen even in Heaven, he will publically gift it to Laurence or Dominic. Litheroy is the Abbot, referred to as Father and wearing the proper robes while on the grounds. However, he is often absent, devoting his time to archaeology and study of humans. He is never far away, though - he can get back to the Abbey in an instant, and none could accuse him of abandoning his post.

The Eel Pool is an artifact in the Abbey, and like all inside, it has no guards or defenses - though it would be admittedly quite hard to steel. It is a reflecting pool, and for 1 Essence, a visitor can use it to show a window into any outdoor scene on Earth for half an hour. The view is always from a specific perspective, and changing that perspective takes another point of Essence. The pool only shows - it cannot be used to travel or communicate. Angels often use its part of the gardens to meditate on the Labyrinth and explain the metaphor to visitors. Many still treat the Labyrinth as the enemy of Revelation rather than a philosophy, but the angels keep trying. They allow anyone who wants to to use the Eel Pool, though those that disturb the gardens' serentiy iwll be asked to leave.

One of the greatest honors Litheroy can give is to commemorate a servant in the Chambers of Discovery. Each of these rooms contains replicas of the most significant revelations Earth has known since Litheroy's ascension. Many of them are archaeological in nature, decorated to memorialize the reclamation of human history from Oblivion, but there are other rooms - for example, the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad, or the gifting of the golden tablets to Joseph Smith, or the discovery of the DNA double-helix by Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin. Litheroy opposes Jean's policies, but he does recognize true revelation made by humans in any field. Some of the rooms mark locations that later became Tethers to Litheroy, and often their endpoints are in the appropriate Chamber.

Litheroy's angels are known above all for their humility and love of their Archangel. They are dedicated to their work, and their work is some of the hardest of any angel. They live in pursuit of truth, and they find it heartbreaking to be unable to reveal their nature to humans. Even moreso, it is hard to have faith in all they do. For Litheroy, it is easy. He is certain and has no doubts. His angels have to have faith in Litheroy...and he's not exactly shy about admitting when he doesn't know things. Despite the difficulty and the distance other angels keep from them and the need to take so much on faith while being devoted to that which can be verified, they maintain a humble serenity and quiet joy. It's not easy, but it's important - they know because Litheroy says so, and he never, ever lies.

One of Litheroy's first servants and most loyal is Chamuel, Angel of the Quest for the Holy Grail, Elohite Seeker and Master of Discovery. He has the special Rite of entertaining a child with any tale of the quest for the Holy Grail, and the special power to see at a glance if anyone has ever encountered the true Grail, whether they know it or not. For many years, he was quite active in the service of Revelation, using his analytical mind to find the truth behind superstitions and mysticism. All of that changed when he encountered the Grail during the war with Legion. He was part of a mixed group of angels, demons and Soldiers, pinned down by Legion's possessed forces and in danger of death. They hid in a ruined chapel, where they were amazed by the sight of the Grail. One demon was destroyed, but the others all ended up Redeeming, and all of the Hellsworn present turned to God. Even the angels were affected, and Chamuel discovered the mystery that would forever give him peace and yet also enthrall him. In the days that followed, he found himself comforted by the memories of the Grail and began to notice the impact it had on others. He studied the legends of the Grail among humans and was astounded by the power of these stories. He began to hunt for the Grail. Eventually, his attention to his work began to slip, and Litheroy noticed, asking what had changed. Chamuel explained his investigation and the hold it had on him, and so Litheroy decided Chamuel should follow his heart, and gave him the Seekr Distinction and, eventually, sponsored him for the Word of the Holy Grail. However, Chamuel explained to the Council that the calling of his heart was not the Grail, but the human quest for it, which he wanted to understand. He was more interested in what the Grail meant to them and their quests than the Grail itself, and so he was given the Word of the Quest for the Holy Grail, which he has held since. Today, he spends most of his time studying archaeologists, antiquities dealers and scholars who study the Grail. He also hunts out those who have found the Grail and observes how their experience changed them and how they inspire others. He still works to fight Hell and dispel secrets, but his first calling is always his quest.

Efion, Mercurian of Revelation, is a rather standard angel of Revelation. The first time she found herself caught between her duty and a lie, she chose to lie and became dissonant. Litheroy recalled her and had her work in the Abbey for four years under a Truthful Discord - not all that harsh in Heaven, at least. After this penance, she has recently been allowed to haead back to Earth, determined to prove her commitment and her worth. She is a scholar of literature, trained to interpert the truths within literature and to write engaging essays. She works in academic environments, hunting for secrets amond the students, though her lack of Role leaves her at the fringes rather than deep within the lives of her classmates. She accepts this as a challenge.

For outsiders, the monastic order of the Abbey seems to be just a metaphor giving meaning to the work of the angels. It is not. Litheroy has devised his own method of praising God and organized his work around the idea of a monastic order, and his angels are expected to be both devoted and scholarly. The act of study is a pious act, to them, and revealing God's Truth is sacred. The angels are expected to work at the duties of monks: prayer and labor, including copying and illuminating manuscripts, educating themselves and others, creating art that illuminates the truth, keeping and distributing historical documentation and doing missionary work on Earth. The Abeby is monastic, but part of Heaven, and these angels are expected to work with others, though they are often isolated by the distance other angels keep. They are frugal, but the Abbey is not specifically Catholic, and they take no vows of chastity, celibacy or poverty. Rather, they vow to seek truth, explore the Labyrinth, preserve knowledge, discover secrets and foil infernal plots. In Heaven, the angels of Revelation generally wear gray robes with bare heads, if they have heads. Gender is not important, however. LEaders of the order are those with Distinctions, who head up projects based on talent, skill and experience in the area. None has ever taken a vow of silence.

Litheroy is not unkind, but he lacks certain perspectives. He's trying to learn, but he just doesn't understand how his angels might become dissonant by his Word's conditions. After all, it only comes from lying, and none of them should willingly deceive anyone. As a result, he tends to grill dissonant angels, to tell if their dissonance was from their Choir or the Word. If it's Choir, he is saddened and concerned, and will usually assign them to Tether duty to work it off, where they should contemplate their failure. Often this punishment lasts twice as long as would be needed to work off the dissonance. If it is bad enough to cause Discord, he will recall the angel to the Abbey, where the Discord is clear to see, and the angel will be expected to explain the circumstance both to Litheroy and the Inquisition, then labor for a long period in Heaven on top of any sentence given by Judgment. Dissonance or Discord from the Word, however, stuns Litheroy. He can't accept it as anything but betryal, and he will remove signs of his favor for it - if the lie is bad enough, even Rites or attunements - and often remove the dissonance but inflict a Truthful Discord with level of however many notes of dissonance there were. He will require significant penance before he removes that. Litheroy really does not grasp the gray area his angels exist in and the fact that they can be caught between Heavenly Law and their dissonance condition. Because Litheroy's intolerance of this is well known, many of his angels prefer to avoid Heaven until they can cleanse themselves, or even lie about how they became dissonant...outside Litheroy's presence, that is. None would dare lie to him. Many Fallen Litherites start on this sort of downward spiral.

Fortunately, at least, Litheroy does not mind failed missions. All he cares about is that you did your best. He will be honest about his doubts over your abilities later, of course, and those who fail a lot will usually get assigned to busywork in the Abbey until Litheroy can find a job he thinks they are competent enough for. His rewards tend to be a pat on the back - he belivees the work is its own reward, and if you want something, he expects you to ask for it and tell him why you want it. If he doesn't think you deserve it, he'll say so and tell you what might change his mind. He's not stingy, and if he has the resources to indulge a favored angel's whim, he will. The ultimate rward, though, is to have your discovery or one you were involved in be commemorated in the Chambers of Discovery.

Many of Litheroy's angels can't meet his standards. Either you have the calling to absolute truth or you don't. If an angel finds an Archangel they could better serve, they must explain and justify their desire to Litheroy, once they're sure that Archangel will welcome them. If Litheroy feels they'll continue to puruse truth, he permits the transfer. He may even allow the angel to keep their Rites and attunements, though never Distinctions.

Litheroy believes deepyl that Redemption is the ultimate forswearing of the lies of Hell. He accepts the Redeemed as living proof of this, and he treats those that survive it with respect, as well as honoring those who perish in the attempt. Not many Redeemed serve him, however, even when he Redeems them. After the lies and deceptions of hell, it's hard for them to embrace Litheroy's truth. Further, he would not accept a Redeemed until after a full debriefing by Judgment. Those that leave the debriefing amenable to Litheroy's methods usually end up working for Judgment or Destiyn instead. The few who enter Litheroy's service are generally begun in the Abbey, to get used to the life.

Litheroy has managed, at least, to recruit many Soldiers. Most tend to be more at home in museums or colleges than fighting Hellsworn directly, but they are a great resource. Part of their value is existing within the Symphony and having a real human life - deeply valuable for angels with no Roles, like all Litherites. While only the Mercurians will admit it, and it would horrify Litheroy, it's also useful to have assistants that can lie for you...though they have to be told well away from the angels they're helping. Experienced Soldiers of REvelation understand this. Litheroy and his angels bond with servants in order to better understand them, though it always ends up changing the humans involved. The Mercurians grasp this, but it tends to be hard for other Choirs.

Seraphim of Revelation are the finest detectives in an organization made entirely of detectives. They are the greatest enemies of Secrets and the best at finding more unpleasant truths, as their attunement makes their resonance exceptionally reliable and powerful. They are some of the best in Heaven at finding the truth, and they take full advantage of it.

Next time: Choirs

The Final Revelation

posted by Mors Rattus Original SA post

Superiors: Litheroy - The Final Revelation

Cherubim of Revelation were once the vanguard against Mariel. While she is gone, their ability to discover when someone is hiding their attuned makes them great soldiers against Alaemon today, especially when forcing the dmons of Secrets to become dissonant by revealing what they try to hide each day. They are often sent to fight Secrets and often know quite about about Alaemon's many Secret Societies.

Ofanim of Revelation are Litheroy's bloodhounds, who excel at pursuing his foes. They often work with Malakim to hunt out and destroy the enemies of Heaven, and they are some of the most frequent of Litheroy's angels to be requested by Laurence. They tend to spend less time studying humans than fighting demons.

Elohim of Revelation are the core of Revelation's scientists. They work as arachaeologists, anthropologists, sociologists and criminoligists, using their keen minds to fill in the blanks. They understand more than most that revealing a secret is only the start - learning why it was hidden can lead to far more discoveries. Their analytical nature allows them to be some of the few angels of Revelation that can cooperate with Lightning...but even so, they are Litherites, and they will reveal any secrets they are told.

Malakim of Revelation are Litheroy's warriors, who often serve alongside War or the Sword. They use their uncanny knack for recognizing foes to hunt out demons. They often work at this hunt with Ofanim, revealing truth at the point of a sword.

Kyriotates of Lightning tend to use their attunement for many purposes. Sure, they become expert trackers...but they also learn the territories of the animals they possess, giving them a great picture of an area, which can be quite useful in unfamiliar territory. Further, they are very good at finding lost children and items, and that can make humans trust them quite easily. Litheroy also values their ability to see from many perspectives.

Mercurians of Revelation are masters of exploring hte Labyrinth. They understand the human mind and can sense secrets easily, and they have great insight into humanity. The best of them can unravel the webs of deceit humans weave themselves into, leaving behind humans that understand each other a bit better. However, they also are most likely to become Dissonant or leave Litheroy's service thanks to their understanding of humans and the need to deceive.

There's a few hooks but none of them are very interesting.

The end!

Next up: GM's Guide, Corporeal Player's Guide, Liber Canticorum, Revelations 1: Night Music or Superiors: Asmodeus?