Dogs in the Vineyard by BinaryDoubts
Original SA post
Dogs in the Vineyard posted:
The shopkeeper from Back East? His wife isn’t really his wife. He’s the procurer and she’s the available woman. Their marriage is a front.
Your brother’s son, your nephew, is fourteen years old. He’s been stealing money from his father, your brother, and taking it to visit this woman.
Your brother is in a bitter rage, humiliated by his son’s thievery and grieving his son’s lost innocence. He’s going to shoot her.
What do you do?
The author opens the first chapter by saying
Vincent Baker posted:
I'm just making stuff up!
The Faithful don't drink coffee, liquor, or black tea (herbal teas and barley beers are OK, though). Women dress modestly and do the housework, men work with their hands and deal with outside affairs. Most people have a gun, and they're the big, scary hand cannons from before the six-shooter took off. They're slow, smoky, and prone to misfire, but they can punch a hole through you the size of a fist. Tobacco's allowed, but increasingly unpopular. One of the nice touches in this chapter is that it lists the kind of buildings that you'd find in a small/large town- stuff someone without a lot of Western experience might not think about (barrel-makers, millers, masons).
Of course, your character isn't going to be a barrel-maker. He or she is a Dog- a member of the Order Set Apart to the Preservation of Faith and the Faithful (the Faith really loves its long names). They travel from town to town, representing the Faith as both priest and lawman. Dogs are the final word on religious and legal affairs, and it's fully within their purview to drag a sinner out to the main square and shoot him in broad daylight. Most of the time, though, Dogs serve a more benign role, carrying out ceremonies, bringing mail, kissing babies, and so on. But when confronted with sin, it's their job to bring salvation, in whatever way they choose.
Next time: Character creation! Ceremonies! Hot Dog-on-Dog action! Also, this was my first post. Let me know if there's anything I need to fix up or improve!